
Let me get this out of the way. I shot heroin in Lynn from the summer of 1969 until January 1976. The first time I shot up was at Bill's apartment behind Christies on the Lynnway. I had been snorting for months. That afternoon, I returned with Sherrie, Bill's wife, to the apartment from the beach while she and a guy who's name escapes me got off. I had copped also and I wanted to shoot it. He said don't blame me as he got me off.
Last time was on High Rock Street, basement apartment, in between stays at the VA substance abuse ward, Ward 7C, at VAMC Jamaica Plain, MA. I had been doing speed previous to this and was in a bad way physically and mentally.
Here comes the disclaimer. I never got a serious habit going despite spending tens of thousands of dollars on heroin. I was a chipper. This was because I was a bad thief and could not support a habit with the money I got from the VA. Two weeks shooting, two weeks of getting enough for a quart of Wild Irish Rose. I was a bit player. Small time.
I don't want one of the junkie gods stumbling on this and crying out, "bullshit". I was on the fringe of the heroin scene in Lynn but I know the players, the places, the atmosphere. I remember a lot but I was on the edge. I've copped in West Lynn, central square, Chelsea, Roxbury, Worcester but mostly I copped at the first staircase of Nahant Beach from 69-76.
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