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I was reading how a young Lance Corporal in Minnesota hung himself waiting to be admitted to the VA. He was a machine gunner who remembered parts flying. It bothered him.
He should have started drinking heavy. It pulled me through.
I hardly drew a sober breathe between 1968 and 1976, it probably saved my life. Of course they didn't know much about PTSD then. Now it's a cottage industry. But all the new knowledge gleaned from our moment in the sun didn't help this guy.
He should have done tons of drugs too. Get used to taking drugs, right away, if you've got PTSD. Because that's it. You'll get your 15 minutes of close personal care and your Prozac and that's it. They'll find a combo of drugs to make you don't give a shit and they expect you to be nice about it too. Don't fuck with the help. They have a lot to do.